Ease Garment Sorting Task with Auto Uniform Conveyor System

Better management of storage and retrieval of employee uniforms in big hotels, casinos and hospitals can be a challenge. Installing auto uniform conveyor in these places help your employee enjoy quick and easy access of their own assigned uniform. Also clothing is easily stored and delivered in a way that maintains the fresh, neat and tidy look of each garments.

Automated garment warehousing conveyor system offers an excellent uniform delivery system that maximizes storage capacity of hanging garments. Making use of enclosed track overhead conveyor system can offer you advantage of space above the normal reach for storage and eliminates the need for access aisles, as the clothing items can be easily brought to a desired location for loading or unloading. Purchasing branded uniform system is best designed to meet various levels of automation based on your specific needs and budget.

Features of Auto Uniform Conveyor

• Storage of a large number of uniform items in a limited space.

• Mesmerizing ROI for large hotels, resorts, casinos, amusement parks and convention centers.

• Automatic retrieval of garments by employees – using the Employee ID Card as a method of identification.    

• Flexibility with RFID tags, barcodes and man-readable labels.

• Tracking and monitoring of each uniform piece using the latest UHF (Ultra-High Frequency) RFID technology.

• Minimizes manual labor.

• Easy customization for various degrees for automation needed.

Automated uniform management system solves loads of problems at once. Such auto uniform conveyor system is easy to use and does not need extra service or additional investments. Also this kind of storage has clear operating process. Having installed automatic garments conveyors and RFID technologies control system retrieves the needed uniform automatically through the automatic door for garments. However, the user has to identify himself prior opening a door or retrieving the garments.

In order to solve the problems of uniform management and other clothing, it’s good to install an automatic uniform conveyor system. Such system is an effective way of storage, conveying and distribution of work uniforms to employees without any help of storage attendants, and any indulgence of business owners. These automatic uniform storage with a modern RFID technology is designed in a way to offer employees a new, up-dated self-service level to get a work uniform through an automatic door for garments, reduce time for search and retrieval of uniforms, security from garments losses, as the system easily opens an automatic door for uniforms after reading an ID card and simplify a storage operation process and reduce a number of employees, engaged into servicing an ordinary uniform and belongings storage.

So ensure to choose a garment warehousing conveyor system that come with a theft protection and face recognition features. So get the one that is made based on your storage premises and considering your staff quantity.

View Source :- https://www.bheldi.com/blog/ease-garment-sorting-task-with-auto-uniform-conveyor-system/


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